Loss for Loss

Eager for vengeance and hoping to limit their losses, Rosfin seeks to eliminate the Orkish threat and protect what people remain in Lancrath.

'We have waited long enough, ${PLAYER}. If the Dead seek to overrun the vale, we cannot abide another Orc. We must crush their forces at Tingobel and ready ourselves for war.

'Far to the south-east, you will find Lancrath nestled in the hills. There, seek a man named Osbenn. He is a wise hunter, and though he is no longer fit for battle, he can aid you in directing the attack on Tingobel.

'Go with haste, ${PLAYER}. Every minute we delay allows the Orcs to creep further south towards Lamedon.'

Osbenn can be found in the village of Lancrath, far to the south-east of Morlad.

Rosfin has asked you to travel to the village of Lancrath and aid the people in repelling the Orcs of the White Mountains.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268450788


0 gold coin 15 silver coin 84 copper coin
Dol Amroth (300)
25900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
25900 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
21600 mount xp icon

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