Eager for vengeance and hoping to limit their losses, Rosfin seeks to eliminate the Orkish threat and protect what people remain in Lancrath.
'We have waited long enough, ${PLAYER}. If the Dead seek to overrun the vale, we cannot abide another Orc. We must crush their forces at Tingobel and ready ourselves for war.
'Far to the south-east, you will find Lancrath nestled in the hills. There, seek a man named Osbenn. He is a wise hunter, and though he is no longer fit for battle, he can aid you in directing the attack on Tingobel.
'Go with haste, ${PLAYER}. Every minute we delay allows the Orcs to creep further south towards Lamedon.'
Osbenn can be found in the village of Lancrath, far to the south-east of Morlad.
Rosfin has asked you to travel to the village of Lancrath and aid the people in repelling the Orcs of the White Mountains.