Unlocking Emyn Ernil

Once enough contributions have been received, the tunnels beneath Emin Ernil will be re-opened. With that, aspiring town guards of Dol Amroth will be able to curry favour with the Workshop district.

'The tunnels beneath Emyn Ernil have long been sealed by a rock slide from my father's generation. There is much worthwhile to explore and scavenge within, but it is a great feat to reopen the entrance.

'The more donations of Silver Tokens of Dol Amroth you bring me, the more progress we can make on clearing the rockslide and opening the tunnels beneath Emyn Ernil. Once that is done, there will be much to explore.'

Tothlant has asked you to bring him Silver Tokens of Dol Amroth to help pay for unlocking Emyn Ernil.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268450763
Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268450778


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