Merry has agreed to fill you in on how he and Pippin met the Ent named Treebeard, and what happened afterwards.
You have heard the sound of two curious creatures speaking to one another, and should investigate.
The creatures seem to offer no threat, but you have not seen their like before.
One of the curious creatures wishes to speak with you. How peculiar.
The other hobbit wishes to speak with you.
You have decided to show these curious little creatures, these hobbits, to your home.
One of your new hobbit friends, Pippin, wants to speak with you.
You have decided to show the hobbits to your home.
Your new hobbit friends may enjoy a sip of Ent-draught.
You should pick up two bowls for your hobbit friends and one for yourself.
Your hobbit friends could use a sip of Ent-draught. You should bring them the bowls you picked up.
The hobbits seem to be enjoying the Ent-draught.
Merry wishes to speak with you about something.
You have called a moot of your people to decide what is to be done concerning Saruman.
You have brought the hobbits to Derndingle, where the Ents will discuss the matter of Saruman. You should tell the young one what to expect.
Many of your people have come to Derndingle to discuss the matter of Saruman.
Baldbark needs to be convinced.
Beechbone needs to be convinced.
Quickbeam needs to be convinced.
You should tell the hobbits that Quickbeam will go with them while the moot continues.