To the Stonedeans

A scout has just come from the Stonedeans, and it would seem that the people of that land are in need of aid.

'I have just come from the Stonedeans. A fellow I met on the road there, Oter, told me of the many problems afflicting those folk.

'It would seem that people are beginning to flee the land. Who will help them, when everyone is looking west to the Fords and to Helm's Deep?'

Oter can be found on the road in the Stonedeans, near Woodhurst.

You should hasten to the Stonedeans and find out more from Oter.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449755


0 gold coin 15 silver coin 34 copper coin
20300 xp icon
Legendary XP:
20300 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
17000 mount xp icon

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