The Enemy Has Taken Mate Isernore

The party of White Hand warriors from Madh-fushaum that crossed the Swiftwater River are led by formidable Uruk-hai.

The party of White Hand warriors that crossed the Swiftwater River and overran Mate Isernore is led by fierce Uruk-hai. One such creature is clearly the leader, while the other two appear to be acting as mine-overseers.

Mate Isernore was once a mine owned by Gifemund, but it has been uverrun by a party of White Hand warriors from Madh-fushaum.

  • Defeat White Hand overseers (0/2) Defeat the White Hand captain

Two of the Uruk-hai leaders of the White Hand were seen lashing the Dunlendings in their party who work the mine. The largest Uruk-hai among them is overseeing the mine's operation.


Defeating the Uruk-hai in charge of the mine will disrupt the operations of the mine.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449755


0 gold coin 37 silver coin 95 copper coin
42600 xp icon
Legendary XP:
42600 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
35600 mount xp icon

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