Tied Hands

The guards of Gapholt are not allowing entry without papers being checked and signed. This process is causing too much delay for the long line of refugees.

'My children are crying and hungry, and I am at my wits' end. These guards refuse to let us enter until we present papers and have them approved and signed. Can anything be done to expedite this process?

'I have said everything I can, and they will not relent. Will you speak with them and see if you can sway them?'

There is a Gapholt guard behind a mountain of papers.

You should speak with a guard to see if there is an exception that can be made to help the refugees settle into Gapholt sooner.


Thane Nothmar is near the bridge of Gapholt.

The guard told you to take your concerns to Thane Nothmar.


Hrothwaru is near the bridge of Gapholt.

Thane Nothmar would not recant his position regarding entry into Gapholt.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449755


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