Instance: Invitation for a Drink

Calin is nervous about an unusual invitation for a drink with Arnwi, who has been out of touch for some time. Calin may be overly cautious, but a lot has happened lately to put him on edge.

Calin arrived shortly before you did and joined Arnwi who was waiting at a table nearby.

  • Join Calin and Arnwi at the table nearby

Arnwi and Calin have much to catch up on. It is unclear what Arnwi has been up to as he has not been seen by Calin or Herubrand for some time.

  • Observe the discussion between Arnwi and Calin

Dunlending ruffians heard the sound of commotion and entered the tavern to aid Arnwi.


After the battle Calin is laying very still where he fell. Arnwi caught him off guard with a strong blow that would have killed most men.


After the battle Calin is laying very still where he fell. Arnwi caught him off guard with a strong blow that would have killed most men.

  • Complete

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0 gold coin 37 silver coin 95 copper coin
25600 xp icon
Legendary XP:
25600 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
21400 mount xp icon

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