Hildegard and the Fate of Woodhurst

The wealthy merchant Gifemund is in a strong position to make a move for the throne of Woodhurst, but is uncertain of the situation and seeks perspective from an unusual source.

'The soothsayer, Hildegard, has a unique gift. She may be able to reveal things unseen to me and those of my cause. I feel my position is strong, but if I move too hastily, I might risk everything.

'Please, take this payment to her and ask her to speak of what she sees in my future.'

Hildegard the soothsayer resides in a cave on the cliff overlooking Woodhurst.

Gifemund asked you to speak with Hildegard the Soothsayer on his behalf.


Herubrand is in the cellar of the farmhouse.

You should tell Herubrand of your meeting with Hildegard on behalf of Gifemund.


Gifemund awaits your return in the ore refinery near the centre of Woodhurst.

Herubrand bade you return to Gifemund with Hildegard's words.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449755


0 gold coin 37 silver coin 75 copper coin
40600 xp icon
Legendary XP:
40600 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
33900 mount xp icon

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