Orcs and Uruk-hai have managed to sneak in behind the main defences, and are attempting to destroy the central gate from both sides. The barricades and the gate must be defended from the enemy warriors, the Orcs carrying destructive powder kegs, and a powerful Uruk-hai commander, who has accompanied the force to ensure their success.
Merit Rating
This quest starts with Full Merit Rating.
Major Point Loss
* Rohirrim soldier defeated
* Rohirrim commander defeated
* Barricade destroyed
Moderate Point Loss
* Powder keg detonated
The Orc and Uruk-hai attackers have brought black powder to the central gate of Helm's dike. They must be stopped before they are able to destroy the barricades and weaken the central gate. The Rohirrim are focused on defending the trenches and will rely on you to stop the flanking infiltrators.