The Captains of Madh-fushaum

The White Hand army within Madh-fushaum is comprised of mostly Orcs, Uruk-hai, and Dunlendings. Each force is led by a captain of their own kind.

An army of this size needs strong leadership to help coordinate between the different groups. There appears to be captains of the Dunlendings, Uruk-hai, and Orcs that are barking orders at their soldiers. Defeating them would surely cause turmoil among the ranks present.

There are captains among the White Hand army inside Madh-fushaum.

You should defeat the White Hand captains, for their defeat would surely cause turmoil among the ranks present.

  • Defeat captains of Madh-fushaum (0/3)

There are captains among the White Hand army inside Madh-fushaum.

You should defeat the White Hand captains, for their defeat would surely cause turmoil among the ranks present.


You have succeeded in defeating the captains within Madh-fushaum, and already you can hear sounds of confusion coming from the distance.


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Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449755


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