Elda Steps Aside

Though Elda was an advisor to Reeve Heremond for some time, he never saw eye to eye with Herubrand. This detachment led him to seek another who shared his vision for the future of Woodhurst.

'I have seen what you are doing for Gifemund, and I may have been wrong about you. I have been harsh towards you on a number of occasions, but you may yet prove useful. I still have my eye on you, though.

'I need you to deliver a letter for me. It has come time for me to step down as an advisor and better fulfil my role here.

'I now work with Gifemund, but I will not betray Herubrand's secrets. They are safe with me.'

Herubrand is in the cellar of the farm-house.

You should bring the letter to Herubrand.


Gifemund is in the ore refinery building within Woodhurst, near the centre of the city.

Herubrand told you to insinuate yourself into the good graces of Gifemund in order to learn what he has planned.


The overseer is at Wid Isernore, just outside of Woodhurst.

Gifemund told you to speak with the overseer of his mine and learn how you might help there.


Wid Isernore is filled with ore-bearing stone.

The overseer asked that you gather ore for him.

  • Collect ore (0/4)

The mine overseer is at Wid Isernore.

The ore you gathered should be returned to the mine overseer.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449755


0 gold coin 37 silver coin 55 copper coin
38600 xp icon
Legendary XP:
38600 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
32300 mount xp icon

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