Edoras: Wayfarer's Bread

Though Éowyn has promised food for all, the poorer townspeople of Edoras will feel more secure with travelling rations in their hands.

NOTE: Edoras quests must be completed before the Evacuation of Edoras takes place.

'I know that Lady Éowyn has promised that there will be food enough for all, but the folk in these parts of town will not be satisfied with that. They oft go hungry when their crops fail, or their stores run empty.

'Would you be so good as to make some Wayfarer's bread and hand it out to them? It is not a difficult recipe, and I know they will sleep easier with food to hold them over.'

NOTE: Edoras quests must be completed before the Evacuation of Edoras takes place.

The oven of eastern Edoras can be found near the eastern gate of the city.

You should bake rations of Wayfarer's bread for the poorer people of Edoras.

  • Bake Wayfarer's Bread (0/5)

Townspeople who are worried about food can be found throughout eastern Edoras.

You should deliver the bread to townspeople without food to bring with them.


Thanks to you, the hungry townspeople of Edoras now have fresh Wayfarer's Bread to sate their hunger on their journey to Dunharrow.


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19100 legendary xp icon
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15900 mount xp icon

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