Edoras: Two Brothers

Britred, one of the organizers of the evacuation, has asked you to urge Sigun and Sigmar to put aside their dispute and ready themselves to leave.

NOTE: Edoras quests must be completed before the Evacuation of Edoras takes place.

'Yet another lot who say they won't budge when the town empties -- old Sigun and Sigmar. They are locked in a year-long squabble over the house bequeathed them by their father.

'I won't bore you with the details. It is widely known but they are fools. They must come, yet they will not heed the order. Please try to reason with them, ${PLAYER} -- whatever it takes.'

NOTE: Edoras quests must be completed before the Evacuation of Edoras takes place.

The quarrelling brothers Sigmar and Sigun can be found outside their late father's estate atop a hill near the fountain north of Meduseld.

You should speak with each of the quarrelling brothers.


Britred can be found at atop the fountain wall north of Meduseld.

You should return to Britred.


Britred can be found atop the fountain wall north of Meduseld.

You should ask Britred about the woman they mentioned, Elfwyn.


Elfwyn can be found at her home just outside the market-place of Edoras, north of Meduseld.

You should find Elfwyn and ask her about the quarrelling brothers.


The quarrelling brothers Sigmar and Sigun can be found outside their late father's estate atop a hill near the fountain north of Meduseld.

You should speak with the quarrelling brothers.


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