Instance: Liberating Woodhurst

Gifemund has made his move, and demanded Guard Captain Thurferth step down due to his failing to keep the city safe. They now try to settle their differences in front of the empty throne they have both sought.

Speak to Calin before joining the confrontation.

It appears Gifemund and Thurferth are in an argument that could get violent near the empty throne.


There is a heated discussion between Gifemund and Thurferth in front of the empty throne in the mead hall.

  • Observe the discussion

Now that Thurferth has left, Gifemund and Calin have engaged in a quieter discussion.

  • Observe Calin and Gifemund's discussion

Speak to Calin near the throne at the back of the mead hall.


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0 gold coin 37 silver coin 75 copper coin
24300 xp icon
Legendary XP:
24300 legendary xp icon

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