Gifemund, the Mine Owner

The former guards, Manna and Scurfa, are now working for a wealthy merchant in Woodhurst. They claim to have the opportunity to protect people that they did not have before.

'The man I now work for is very influential in Woodhurst. He is the most successful merchant in the region. He owns the mines outside of the city, and his trade was unmatched until the White Hand cut off the southern routes.

'As a guard, I was seldom given the chance to truly protect people, yet that is why I became one. I am now afforded that opportunity...and I get paid for it. Gifemund may offer you a similar opportunity if you speak with him in the ore-refinery near the centre of town.'

Gifemund can be found in the ore-refinery, which is a wooden structure near the centre of town.

Scurfa suggested that you speak with his new employer, Gifemund.


Dunlending trouble-makers can be found in lower Woodhurst.

Gifemund asked you to deal with the Dunlending trouble-makers that have been hassling his mine.


Gifemund can be found in the ore-refinery near the centre of the city.

Gifemund will be interested to hear your progress in dealing with the trouble-makers who threaten the safety of his mining operation nearest to Woodhurst.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449755


0 gold coin 37 silver coin 75 copper coin
40600 xp icon
Legendary XP:
40600 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
33900 mount xp icon

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