Warband: Inras

A large wolf has become the biggest predator in the southern plains of the Stonedeans. Inras and his pack of wolves are almost rabid with hunger.

The plains north-west of Edoras were rich with wildlife, but the arrival of the White Hand reduced the amount of food for the local predators. One such predator is now almost rabid with hunger. Inras and his pack of wolves hunt the plains and attack anything that moves.

The hungry wolf pack led by Inras is hunting in the southern plains of the Stonedeans.

  • Find Inras

The hungry wolf pack led by Inras is hunting in the southern plains of the Stonedeans.


Inras and his pack of wolves are defeated, and no longer hunt the southern plains of the Stonedeans.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449755


0 gold coin 37 silver coin 75 copper coin
40600 xp icon
Legendary XP:
40600 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
33900 mount xp icon

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