Warband: Rog-votak

Rog-votak and his band are well-trained riders, and will soon aid the siege on Brockbridge. If they do, it would end the stalemate and be the doom of Brockbridge.

Rog-votak and his band of Uruk-hai riders are within sight of Edoras and wait for the day they can burn it down. They ravage the land around Madh-fushaum and ensure no Rohirrim riders reach its gates.

Rog-votak leads a strong band of riders that are a part of the White Hand army within Madh-fushaum in the southern Stonedeans.

  • Find Rog-votak

Rog-votak leads a strong band of riders that are a part of the White Hand army within Madh-fushaum in the southern Stonedeans.


Rog-votak and his band are no longer another threat posed by the army within Madh-fushaum.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449755


0 gold coin 60 silver coin 16 copper coin
56800 xp icon
Legendary XP:
56800 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
47500 mount xp icon

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