Warband: Macsen

Macsen leads an elite band of riders out of Madh-fushaum, and was trained in combat on a horse by the Uruk-hai of the White Hand.

Macsen is the leader of an elite band of Dunlending riders that are quite formidable despite the Dunlendings not having much history as riders of horses. They would give all but the most skilled Rohirrim trouble in battle.

Macsen and his band of riders have set ablaze the farms in the southern Stonedeans, and keep watch on the road south-east of Brockbridge for trade or reinforcements.

  • Find Macsen

Macsen and his band of riders have set ablaze the farms in the southern Stonedeans, and keep watch the road south-east of Brockbridge for trade or reinforcements.


Macsen and his elite band of riders are now defeated, and can no longer ravage the plains in the eastern Stonedeans.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449755


0 gold coin 75 silver coin 50 copper coin
The Helmingas (1200)
64900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
64900 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
54300 mount xp icon

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