Rampant Anger

Tensions in the city are rising. Those with Dunlending blood feel that great injustices have been committed against their kind and harbor ill will towards anyone with obvious Rohirrim heritage.

'The man who works the horses in the field behind this stable looked like he was being followed by a group of men. They were from the lower part of the city, which means they are likely up to no good.

'I have been instructed by the captain to leave them alone, but I fear for the stable-hand. Please, go around the corner and see if he is all right?'

The stable-hand is in the field behind the stable.

A guard saw a local stable-hand being followed by a rowdy group of men and has asked you to check on him.


The healer is in the shop behind the inn that faces the fountain in the centre of Woodhurst.

Broda asked you to seek help for him from the town healer.


Broda, the injured stable-hand, is in the field behind the stable by the eastern gate of Woodhurst.

You should bring the healer's pack to Broda at once.

Broda is in the field behind the stable.

You should speak with Broda again, before moving on.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449755


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40600 legendary xp icon
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33900 mount xp icon

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