Hold On

The armies of Saruman have devised a hook and chain mechanism for their ballista and are firing their grapnels upon the eastern walls of the Hornburg's outer fortifications. The attachments allow the enemy to topple sections of defences, which must not happen if the Rohirrim are to bide time for those within the keep.

Merit Rating

This quest starts with Full Merit Rating.

Major Merit Loss:
* Wall section structurally damaged by hook and chain

Moderate Merit Loss:
* Wall guards defeated

The armies of Saruman are using siege weapons to fire hook and chain attachments onto the walls of the Hornburg. The ballista hooks are able to cause damage to the structure of the Rohirrim defences once they have latched on. The defences must disable the hooks and hold the defences for a moment longer, while Théoden King plans the counter-attack.

  • Defend the wall against the attacking waves (${VALUE}/12)

Relevant zones


0 gold coin 98 silver coin 70 copper coin
687000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
687000 legendary xp icon

Additional info


  • Defend the wall against the attacking waves (${VALUE}/12)
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