A Break in the Chain

Thane Edric and his men struggle to repel the Uruk invaders of Kingstead while still maintaining control of the crossing into the Eastemnet.

'Along the road, I have seen many foes, ${PLAYER}. None were greater than the Uruk who guarded their stockpile of pillaged goods.

'He rode atop a thickly-armoured steed and bore weapons of the finest make. He has no doubt stolen these tools from our traders, caught ferrying blades of the Stonedeans back to Kingstead. I know not if this Uruk is their leader or merely one of their mightiest, but he must be slain if Entwade is to be prepared for the coming attack.

'Ride out to their stockpile along the road's edge and slay him when you can draw his attention. Thane Edric will wish to know this foe has been put to an end.'

The Uruk, Asgája, can be found somewhere nearby the stockpile south of the road to Middlemead from Entwade in Kingstead.

  • The Uruk, Asgája, can be found somewhere nearby the stockpile south of the road to Middlemead from Entwade in Kingstead.
  • Find and defeat Asgája

Thane Edric can be found inside the Mead Hall of Entwade in eastern Kingstead.

You have slain the hardy Uruk, Asgája, and should now report your success to Thane Edric.


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Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449746


0 gold coin 36 silver coin 55 copper coin
30300 xp icon
Legendary XP:
30300 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
25300 mount xp icon
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