Nágas, Overseer of the Brockbridge Siege

The siege on Brockbridge is only the tip of the spear, which is directed by a very strong and tactically wise Uruk named Nágas.

'${PLAYER}, there is much to be done if we are to break this siege.

'A nasty Uruk named Nágas is out among the perimeter and appears to be leading the siege efforts. This one will not be easy to defeat alone, so should you choose to help us be rid of him, you may need a friend or two to aid in such a task.'

Nágas can be found among the perimeter outside of Brockbridge.

Herefara has asked you to defeat the Uruk Nâgas, leader of the Brockbridge siege.


The overseer of the Brockbridge siege has been defeated, and those holding the siege will lack coordination for some time.


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0 gold coin 60 silver coin 16 copper coin
56800 xp icon
Legendary XP:
56800 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
47500 mount xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward

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