Thane Léoferth of Brockbridge

Thane Léoferth oversaw the defence of Brockbridge when the White Hand first arrived, until his body gave out. He cannot fight and is barely able to speak, but his fighting spirit is an inspiration to Brockbridge in such dark times.

'As much as I could use your help, it is customary to make introductions with the Thane. We have held the line and can keep it until you return. Please introduce yourself to Thane Léoferth, but return as soon as you can.

'A bed has been made for him in the Mead Hall, in the centre of town.'

Thane Léoferth is inside the mead hall which is near the centre of Brockbridge.


Dunith has long been Thane Léoferth's hand-maiden, and stays near his side to aid him in his regressing health.

You should speak with Dunith.


There is a pile of dirty dishes near Thane Léoferth's bed.

Dunith asked you to collect the dirty dishes.

  • Collect dirty dishes

The kitchen is in the corner of the Mead Hall in Brockbridge.

Dunith asked you to take the dirty dishes to the cook to be washed.


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0 gold coin 37 silver coin 75 copper coin
40600 xp icon
Legendary XP:
40600 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
33900 mount xp icon

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