Victims of the Attack

Herubrand and his family valiantly fought to defend the mead hall. When they were almost overwhelmed, the advisors organized a hasty escape for Herubrand, but were not able to save most of his family.

The mead hall of Woodhurst has become a scene of battle, like much of Rohan. Calin mentioned that there were members of Herubrand's family who did not return after the battle and are presumed dead. While searching for evidence you should try to determine their whereabouts.

The mead hall of Woodhurst has become a scene of battle, like much of Rohan. Calin mentioned that there were members of Herubrand's family who did not return after the battle and are presumed dead.

While searching for evidence you should try to determine their whereabouts.


The mead hall of Woodhurst has become a scene of battle, like much of Rohan. Calin mentioned that there were members of Herubrand's family who did not return after the battle and are presumed dead.

While searching for evidence you should try to determine their whereabouts.

  • Find Herubrand's family (${CURRENT}/${MAX})

Calin awaits your return in the farmhouse with news of your investigation.

You should let Calin know that you found where Heremond and Cynethryth fell.


Find the trap-door behind the curtain and counter area in the back of the farmhouse room.

The trap-door is a hidden door leading to Herubrand's hideout.

  • Find the trap-door to Herubrand's hideout

Herubrand is barricaded in the cellar of the farmhouse.

Calin suggested you tell Herubrand the news of his father and wife.


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40600 legendary xp icon
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33900 mount xp icon

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