Book 13, Chapter 3: Night Deepens

As the night deepens, battle approaches the defenders of the Hornburg.

Aragorn speaks to you in hushed tones.

'The next few hours will sorely test us all, my friend, but none more than the King of Rohan. It will be Théoden's resolve, as much as the strength of his fighting men, that will govern our chances of survival. He will not speak plainly to me, or to any of us, on this matter. It is not his way, nor the way of most who rule.

'Find Gléowine and ask him what he makes of the King's mood and temperament. I cannot tell if the King is putting on a brave face, but Gléowine has served him for many years and will know better than I the truth of this. I last saw the minstrel below us, by a pile of straw near the western wall.'

Gléowine is on the lowest level of the fortress, by a pile of straw near the west wall.

Aragorn wants to determine the mood of Théoden, but has sent you not to the King but to Gléowine to learn it.


Gléowine wants you to show him on the nearby map table what the night may hold for the defenders of Helm's Deep.

Interacting with the map table near Gléowine will allow time to pass. Action will resume after midnight, when the battle is joined.

  • Study the map table near the western wall, by Gléowine, and time will pass

It is after midnight at Helm's Deep.

Gléowine is by the map table, near the pile of straw by the western wall.


It is after midnight at Helm's Deep.

Gamling is by the map table with Gléowine, on the lowest level of the fortress, by the western wall.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449767
Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268450272


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44700 xp icon
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44700 legendary xp icon

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