Book 13, Chapter 1: The Lay of the Land

You have arrived at Helm's Deep as the King's men prepare to defend the Hornburg.

'The armies of Saruman assaulted the men at the Fords of Isen, and the survivors of the rout are scattered now across the Westfold. No one seems to know where Erkenbrand might be found. He is the lord of the Hornburg, during time of peace, and would make his way here if he could.

'Théoden King turned aside from his course and made for the Deep when the size of Saruman's force became clear. His army is already on the march, and will soon be here. I welcome all able folk willing to offer assistance, but I know you by reputation and count your aid double!

'Friends of yours already lend us what help they can. You will find them in the Dike, throughout the Deep, and at the Hornburg.'

A road runs from Helm's Dike through the valley and to the Hornburg.


The guard-house provides a sturdy defence for the Hornburg.


The Deeping Wall provides a sturdy defence for the Hornburg, and allows its defenders a commanding view of the gorge.


Théoden and Éomer are overseeing the preparations outside the Hornburg.

  • Find Théoden and Éomer outside the keep of the Hornburg
  • Talk to Éomer

Aragorn is outside the keep of the Hornburg, alongside Éomer and not far from Théoden.


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