Defilers in the Water

Orc Defilers have begun calling forth the turbulent spirits of those unfortunate enough to have perished within the Deep at battles long past. If they are allowed to continue their summons, the Rohirrim in the water mill may find themselves besieged by a rather unexpected adversary.

Merit Rating

This quest starts with Full Merit Rating

Major Merit Loss:
* Summoned darkwater spirit escapes the pond
* Darkwater spirit enters the water-mill

Minor Merit Gain:
* Darkwater escaped from the pond is defeated

White Hand defilers have gathered around the pond in the Deeping Coomb and are attempting to call forth disturbed spirits to assail the Rohirrim. Defeating the defilers will end the foul ritual, but the spirits will need to be dealt with once they have been called forth.


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687000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
687000 legendary xp icon

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