Hunbald has put his honour on the line, trusting that you and your companions mean no harm to Théoden or to the people of Rohan, and now you should ride for Edoras to bring warning to the King.
'Wait, there is something familiar about that man... is it Gléowine? Gléowine, is that you? The minstrel of Théoden! On what account do you accompany these folk?'
Gléowine sheepishly steps forward, and you realize that Hunbald was never told of the minstrel's exile.
'It is you!' Hunbald continues. 'Is it true what this ${RACE} says?'
Gléowine responds quickly, and Hunbald muses in silence. After a time, he continues.
'Gléowine, if you will speak for these others, I will allow the three of you to pass. I am merely a simple man from the Eastfold, but you are held in confidence of the King, and must know his mind more thoroughly than ever I could hope to do. For the good of my King, and the Riddermark, I will allow you to pass. Do not make me regret this choice! I would cast my blade aside before I raise it against such as you.'
The barrows outside the entrance to Edoras will be a good place to meet up with your companions.
Hunbald has allowed you to cross the Entwash, and now you should ride to the entrance of Edoras.
Horn is by the barrows outside the entrance to Edoras.
You have arrived at Edoras, and should speak now to Horn by the barrows.
You have come to Edoras and should now make your way up through the city.
Gléowine is on the road within the entrance to Edoras, by a majestic white horse.
The time has come to climb the streets of Edoras to the entrance to the Golden Hall of Meduseld, there to await the judgement of Théoden.