Funeral for a Friend

Léofdag fell during the Battle of the Hornburg, but proved his worth with his sacrifice.

'Ah, ${PLAYER}, it is a sad passing...the Riddermark has lost one of its greatest Riders, and more importantly, we have lost a good friend. Do you recall the valour with which he defended the Hornburg? Let us speak of his final stand as a memorial to his courage and honour....'

Burnoth is at the Hornburg.

Burnoth wants you to join in the memorial for Léofdag, who fell at the Battle of the Hornburg.


Burnoth is at the Hornburg.

You should speak with Burnoth again.


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0 gold coin 76 silver coin 70 copper coin
75100 xp icon
Legendary XP:
75100 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
13000 mount xp icon
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