Léofdag's Return

Léofdag perished at the Battle of the Hornburg, vindicating himself from the accusations against his honour.

'It is well that we will remember Léofdag's courage and honour, ${PLAYER}, but it is not enough. He was accused falsely by his wife's father, Gartorn of Aldburg, and because of it, his family suffers disgrace. Léofdag should be returned to his family to be buried in honour...would you return his body to his wife, Fleda, in Aldburg and tell the people of his heroism in the Battle of the Hornburg?

'The dishonour he suffered at Gartorn's prompting must be put right, and as a witness of his valour and honour, you are the best suited to do so.'

Léofdag's wife, Fleda, is in Aldburg.

Burnoth asked you to return Léofdag's body to his wife, Fleda, and tell the people of Aldburg of his valour and honour in the Battle of the Hornburg.

  • Speak with Burnoth to return Léofdag's body to Fleda in Aldburg

Fleda is in Aldburg.

Now that the memorial for Léofdag has ended, you should speak with Fleda.


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0 gold coin 38 silver coin 35 copper coin
28200 xp icon
Legendary XP:
28200 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
13000 mount xp icon

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  • Speak with Burnoth to return Léofdag's body to Fleda in Aldburg
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