Brigands in the Wild

The Council of Stoke determined that Reeve Fríthild should take to the field and lead her people against their aggressors, but now it must choose what front to focus upon.

'It was a waste of time and effort -- and a life -- to harry the goblins. Saruman and Mordor both breed them like flies. There is a closer threat that will eat at us like a canker.

'My scouts tell me that half-blood brigands from the Stonedeans are attempting to infiltrate Stoke and sway the people against Reeve Fríthild. This threat must be put to end, or we will see the Dunlendings marching upon this town.'

Reeve Fríthild is in the Mead Hall of Stoke.

You should bring Captain Grimmar's recommendation to Reeve Fríthild.


Reeve Fríthild is at her encampment to the south of Stoke, just off the road on the other side of the bridge on the road to Kingstead.

Reeve Fríthild asked you to meet her at her encampment.

  • Use the camp-fire to summon Reeve Fríthild and her companions
  • Talk to Reeve Fríthild

Reeve Fríthild is at her encampment to the south of Stoke.

You should speak with Reeve Fríthild regarding the battle.

  • Talk to Fríthild
  • Reeve Fríthild is at her encampment to the south of Stoke. You should speak with Reeve Fríthild regarding the battle.

The Reeve of Stoke is in the Mead Hall.

The Reeve instructed you to meet in Stoke to plan for the next attack.


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