Shield-maiden of Rohan

Reeve Fríthild fell ill and died during the feast celebrating her foray ay Bardh-dorám.

'${PLAYER}, my friend, a shadow of gloom has fallen over the people of Stoke, especially Fríthild's children. We must rebuild their hope.

'Will you join me at Fríthild's house to honour her passing? It would mean much to the children, I am sure.'

Thane Ordlac is in the Mead Hall of Stoke.

You should speak with Thane Ordlac when you are prepared to attend Fríthild's funeral.


Thane Ordlac is in the Mead Hall of Stoke.

You should speak with Thane Ordlac regarding the funeral.


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0 gold coin 37 silver coin 55 copper coin
54100 xp icon
Legendary XP:
38600 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
10700 mount xp icon

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