Alongside Thane Torferth of Torsbury, you freed Stoke from Ordlac's control and saved Reeve Fríthild's children from a terrible fate.
'${PLAYER}...we cannot thank you enough for your aid. If you had not come to us, Ordlac might have usurped the leadership of the Broadacres and left an even bloodier path of destruction than he did.
'The young Reeve has appointed me, as Thane of both Torsbury and now Oserley, his regent to lead in his stead until he is come of age. Lúfa and I shall be wed, and together we will maintain the alliance her father had hoped for.
'Alas, the Dunlendings and their vile allies still threaten the Acres...we must secure the Riding before we can send a muster to Théoden King's aid. Before you leave, I know Lúfa and the children also wish to speak with you.'
Lúfa, Edhild, and Reeve Fríthbert are in the Mead Hall of Stoke.
Thane Torferth told you that Lúfa and the children wished to say their farewells to you before you depart.
Thane Torferth is in the Mead Hall of Stoke.
You should speak with Thane Torferth again.
A herald from the Stonedeans arrived in the Mead Hall of Stoke.
You should speak with the herald from the Stonedeans.
Woodhurst lies to the north-west of Stoke, in the Stonedeans.
You should find someone near Woodhurst who might give you some insight into the situation in the Stonedeans.