Stocking for the Siege

War is afoot, and the town of Stoke is preparing for the inevitable siege.

'While you are here, I could use your help. My people and the townsfolk of Stoke have both asked me to speak for them and make sure their needs are not being overlooked. I do not doubt Reeve Fríthild's concern, but there seems to be plenty of battle preparations and little provisioning. I would take some hunters out myself, but there are too many wolves roaming the fields.

'Would you cull the wolves' numbers and hunt up some provisions for us? We need meat, hides, and ivory. The meat and ivory can be gathered from the deer to the north, east, and south and from the aurochs to the south and the hides from the wolves, deer, and aurochs.'

Meat and ivory can be collected from the aurochs to the south and west and the deer to the north, south, and east. Hides can be collected from wolves, deer, and aurochs.

Baldmund has asked you to help provision the town for the coming siege.

  • Collect ivory (0/6)
  • Defeat wolves in the Broadacres (0/8)

The provision stores are in Stoke, outside the inn.

You should bring the provisions you gathered to the provision stockpile.

Baldmund is at the inn in Stoke.

You should return to Baldmund and let him know that you have done as he requested.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449749


0 gold coin 37 silver coin 55 copper coin
54100 xp icon
Legendary XP:
38600 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
10700 mount xp icon

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