Wild Men of the West

Warg-riders from Isengard burn and ravage the western fields of the Broadacres as they press their invasion.

Warg-riders from Isengard burn and ravage the western fields of the Broadacres as they press their invasion. You found a Dunlending token upon one of the Warg-riders and should bring it to Reeve Fríthild.

You found a Dunlending token upon one of the Warg-riders. You should bring it to Reeve Fríthild.

  • You found a Dunlending token upon one of the Warg-rider defilers. You should bring it to Reeve Fríthild

Reeve Fríthild is in the Mead Hall of Stoke.

You should bring the Dunlending token you found to Reeve Fríthild.


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0 gold coin 37 silver coin 55 copper coin
23200 xp icon
Legendary XP:
23200 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
10700 mount xp icon
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