Burning the Barricades

While scouting the gates of Torsbury, you discovered wooden barricades that might be destroyed to weaken the defences.

While scouting the gates of Torsbury, you discovered wooden barricades that might be destroyed to weaken the defences.

You should use nearby torches to burn the barricades at the gates of Torsbury.

  • Burn the barricades at the gates of Torsbury

Barricades and torches can be found and the south-east and south-west gates of Torsbury.

You should use nearby torches to burn the barricades at the gates of Torsbury.

  • Use torch to burn the fourth barricade
  • Barricades and torches can be found and the south-east and south-west gates of Torsbury. You should use nearby torches to burn the barricades at the gates of Torsbury.

Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449749


0 gold coin 37 silver coin 35 copper coin
36800 xp icon
Legendary XP:
36800 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
30800 mount xp icon

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