Courage of Torsbury

Your returned from Torsbury with your report. While it dismayed Thane Tordag, it did not deter him from his path. He still intends to launch a counterassault upon Torsbury.

'The numbers you speak of are great, but I am still of a mind to retake my town. Dudsig believes that with the aid of his people, we can prevail. I still have many stout warriors, and there are many able refugees among us.

'However, some of my folk and the refugees do not share my confidence. If you would, go among my people -- especially their leaders -- and speak words of courage. Rally them to my cause!

'I will force none to go to battle against such odds, but neither would I have them remain behind in fear and shame when there is no cause!'

The leaders of the people can be found at Thane Tordag's encampment, north of the road between Torsbury and Stoke.

Thane Tordag has asked you to speak with the leaders of his people and rally their spirits to join him in his counterassault.


Thane Tordag is at his encampment, north of the road between Torsbury and Stoke.

You should return to Thane Tordag and let him know that his people and allies are all prepared to stand beside him at Torsbury.


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Map width ID 268449749


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18500 mount xp icon

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