Forth the Toringas

After receiving your report regarding the forces arrayed against the Toringas, Thane Tordag has chosen to move forward with his plans to launch a counterassault against the Dunlendings who took control of Torsbury.

'It is well, it seems. My people and my allies are prepared to stand with me and take back what belongs to Rohan!

'This day, we shall assault the Dunlendings at Torsbury and reclaim the town. Will you join my garrison, ${PLAYER}? You have proven yourself a talented ${CLASS} and would be a boon to our efforts.'

Tordag is at his camp, north of the road between Torsbury and Stoke.

Tordag has asked you to join his garrison as they assault the Dunlendings at Torsbury. You should speak with him when you are ready to join him.


Torferth is at Tordag's camp, north of the road between Torsbury and Stoke.

You should speak with Torferth to discuss the failure of the counterassault.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449749


0 gold coin 74 silver coin 70 copper coin
58900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
58900 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
49200 mount xp icon

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