Enemies Abound

You delivered the signet of Torsbury to Thane Tordag as Fríthild required, but you have found the people of Torsbury already routed from their town.

'Bah! Fríthild will have to wait. I have lost Torsbury! Nay, I am not disloyal, whatever it may seem. I just know Fríthild...she can hold fast without me. I should know! Look at my nose...she broke it herself, she did!

'We will attend to Stoke, do not worry! But first I must reclaim my town. I cannot bandy words any longer. My son, Torferth, is in charge of gathering information we can use to form our counterassault. Speak with him and help him as you may.

'The sooner Torsbury belongs to us, the sooner we can drive Saruman's lackeys back to Isengard!'

Torferth is at Tordag's encampment north of the road between Torsbury and Stoke.

Tordag told you to lend your aid to his son, Torferth.


Servants of the White Hand can be found at Torsbury and in the fields south of Torsbury.

Torferth asked you to ride to Torsbury and the field to the south of the village and learn what kinds of forces are arrayed against his father's garrison.

  • Determine the composition of the enemy's forces (${CURRENT}/${MAX})

Torferth is at Tordag's encampment, north of the road between Torsbury and Stoke.

You should return to Torferth with your report.


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18500 mount xp icon

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