Serving the Summons, Part II

Your duties done at Oserley, it is time to continue your mission for Reeve Fríthild.

'My muster is complete. I have not a large force, but my garrison is prepared to march to Stoke's defence.

'I suggest that you make for Torsbury at once...they are likely to be in more dire straits than Oserley. I would take as straight a route as you may, for you will not want to come there too late.

'I shall send Dudsig with a handful of my finest warriors to assist at Torsbury, while I myself lead the remainder of my garrison to Stoke. May fortune go with you, ${PLAYER}!'

Torsbury lies to the west of Oserley, near the border of the Stonedeans.

Ordlac bade you hurry by the straightest route to Torsbury to aid Tordag and bring him Fríthild's summons.

  • Bring the signet of Torsbury to Thane Tordag

Tordag is at his encampment just north of the road between Torsbury and Stoke.

Fríthild sent you to bring the signet of Torsbury to Tordag, summoning him to Stoke's aid.


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Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449749


0 gold coin 37 silver coin 35 copper coin
22100 xp icon
Legendary XP:
22100 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
18500 mount xp icon

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  • Bring the signet of Torsbury to Thane Tordag
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