Half-orc Badge

You found a strange badge belonging to a powerful half-orc captain upon the corpse of one of his warriors.

You found a strange badge belonging to a powerful half-orc captain upon the corpse of one of his warriors. You should hunt down and defeat the captain of the half-orc riders in the western part of the Broadacres.

You should hunt down and defeat the captain of the half-orc riders in the western part of the Broadacres.

  • Defeat Egur

Egur may be found in the fields south of Torsbury.

You should hunt down and defeat the captain of the half-orc riders in the western part of the Broadacres.

  • Defeat Egur
  • Egur may be found in the fields south of Torsbury. You should hunt down and defeat the captain of the half-orc riders in the western part of the Broadacres.

You have defeated Egur, the captain of the half-orc riders in the western part of the Broadacres.


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0 gold coin 59 silver coin 56 copper coin
51500 xp icon
Legendary XP:
51500 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
43100 mount xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward
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