Testing Their Strength

You delivered your report to Thane Tordag, as Torferth requested, but the thane did not agree with his son's advice.

'I am more interested in knowing how strong the forces are at Torsbury itself. We can deal with the ranging foe later.

'I want you to enter Torsbury, if you are able, and test the strength of the enemy by defeating some of their warriors. While you are there, scout the gates to determine how well they are defended. You have but to the follow the road north and west, and you will come upon the ruins of my town.

'Return to me when you have acquired a good sense of the situation there.'

Enemies of the Rohirrim can be found within the encampment at Torsbury, north-west of Tordag's encampment.

Thane Tordag wants you to test the strength of the enemy at Torsbury and patrol the village gates to see how well they are defended.

  • Defeat enemies within Torsbury (0/12)
  • Scout the south-west gate

Tordag's encampment lies to the south-east of Torsbury, north of the road to Stoke.

You should return to Thane Tordag and let him know what you found.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449749


0 gold coin 59 silver coin 56 copper coin
51500 xp icon
Legendary XP:
51500 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
18500 mount xp icon

Additional info


  • Defeat enemies within Torsbury (0/12)
  • Scout the south-west gate
  • Talk to Tordag
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