Torsbury Delayed

The people of Torsbury are shattered by the loss of their Thane, and Torferth is consumed with discovering the mastermind of his father's murder.

'Reeve Fríthild was wise in choosing you to bring her summons. Alas, however, my people cannot come yet to Stoke. We are worn from our battle and from the grief of loss, but as well I must learn who the true mind behind my father's death is.

'You should return to Stoke at once. The Reeve will need your doughty arm in the time ahead. Let her know that we will come as soon as we may.

'I must thank you again, as well, for bringing me Lúfa's favour. My heart remains broken, for I know we shall never meet again under favourable circumstances, but the blow is softened somewhat to know that her heart remains mine.'

Reeve Fríthild is in the Mead Hall of Stoke, south-east of Tordag's camp.

Torferth instructed you to return to Reeve Fríthild and let her know that the Torsbury garrison will be late coming.


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0 gold coin 37 silver coin 35 copper coin
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22100 legendary xp icon
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18500 mount xp icon

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