The Madness Spreads

Maddened marsh-crows from the Wódfen have crossed the Entwash into the marshes east of Oserley, attacking everything they see.

Maddened marsh-crows from the Wódfen have crossed the Entwash into the marshes east of Oserley, attacking everything they see. You should drive off the draug-maddened marsh-crows from the marshes.

You should drive off the draug-maddened marsh-crows from the marshes.


Maddened marsh-crows can be found in the marshes, east of Oserley.

You should drive off the draug-maddened marsh-crows from the marshes.


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0 gold coin 37 silver coin 35 copper coin
36800 xp icon
Legendary XP:
36800 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
30800 mount xp icon

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