The Lady's Gratitude

You saved Lúfa from her would-be assassins, though how they came upon a key to Ordlac's house is yet a mystery. Perhaps the traitor is still within Oserley.

'I cannot thank you enough...if you had not come, I would surely have perished. Perhaps I have misjudged Ordlac. I did not think him capable of caring for anyone other than himself, and even less capable of truly loving anyone, including himself, but perhaps I was wrong.

'Why would he send someone so bold and valiant to protect me if he did not have some spark of compassion within him? I do not -- and do not believe I ever will -- love him, but perhaps there is hope that my grief and loneliness may be lessened in the days to come.

'Return now to Dudsig and let him know that you have done your duty. The brigands are vanquished, and I am safe. He will want to see that dagger as well, I think.'

Dudsig is near the stables in Oserley.

Lúfa bade you take the dagger you recovered to Dudsig and report that you were successful in your duty.


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18500 mount xp icon

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