The Lady's Sorrow

Thane Ordlac sent you to his house to protect his young wife Lúfa from the would-be assassins which the half-orcs intend to use against her.

'You wonder why I grieve so? I am recently wed to Thane Ordlac, but here I have not found love. Alas, I must call his home mine, yet I do not recall that he has ever come to this house since we were married.

'Truly, even did he show his love to me, I do not think I could be consoled, for my heart does not care for him as it should.

'Would you bring me a cup of wine from the table? If you are willing to hear my tale, then I shall need the refreshment to soothe my thirst.'

The wine is on the table in Thane Ordlac's house.

Lúfa has asked you to bring her a cup of wine to ease her thirst while she tells you her tale.

  • Collect wine from the table

Lúfa is at Thane Ordlac's house in Oserley.

Lúfa awaits the wine she requested from you.


Lúfa is at Thane Ordlac's house in Oserley.

Lúfa has finished her tale and wishes to speak with you again.

  • Talk to Lúfa
  • Lúfa is at Thane Ordlac's house in Oserley. Lúfa has finished her tale and wishes to speak with you again.

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