Fingers of the White Hand

The leaders of the half-orcs near Oserley are particularly dangerous, attacking without hesitance any who cross their paths.

The leaders of the half-orcs near Oserley are particularly dangerous, attacking without hesitance any who cross their paths. You should defeat the leaders of the half-orcs near Oserley, hopefully sending the scouts into chaos.

You should defeat the leaders of the half-orcs near Oserley.

  • You should defeat the leaders of the half-orcs near Oserley

The leaders of the half-orcs near Oserley roam the field south-west of the village.

You should defeat Rakblog and Unaz, leaders of the half-orc scouts near Oserley.

  • Defeat Unaz
  • The leaders of the half-orcs near Oserley roam the field south-west of the village. You should defeat Rakblog and Unaz, leaders of the half-orc scouts near Oserley.

Cenulf is near the mill in Oserley.

You should bring the note you found to Cenulf at once.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449749


0 gold coin 37 silver coin 35 copper coin
36800 xp icon
Legendary XP:
36800 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
30800 mount xp icon
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