Field of Thieves

The brigands who stole the goods from the people of Oserley seem much more skilled than ordinary commoners driven by panic.

Brigands can be found at their camp, west of Oserley in the Broadacres of Rohan.

You should defeat the brigands who have been thieving from the people of Oserley.

Brigands can be found at their camp, west of Oserley in the Broadacres of Rohan.

You should defeat the brigands who have been thieving from the people of Oserley.

  • Defeat brigands at their camp near Oserley

Brigands can be found at their camp, west of Oserley in the Broadacres of Rohan.

You should defeat the brigands who have been thieving from the people of Oserley.

  • Defeat brigands at their camp near Oserley (0/8)
  • Brigands can be found at their camp, west of Oserley in the Broadacres of Rohan. You should defeat the brigands who have been thieving from the people of Oserley.

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0 gold coin 37 silver coin 15 copper coin
35000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
35000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
29300 mount xp icon

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