The Taste of Hobbiton

The Taste of Hobbiton is in full swing! Bondo Brandybuck is accepting wagers on which hobbit is most likely to win.

'Good day to you, ${PLAYER}! Here for the festival, are you? Well, as you may know, our main event is the Taste of Hobbiton! It's a combination race and eating contest.

'In the end, only one hobbit will have the endurance and pluck needed to roll across the finish line first! Pick a likely looking contestant and let's see if you've got an eye to spot the winner!'

Speak to Bando Brandybuck and choose your favourite contestant for the next upcoming race.

  • Speak to Bando Brandybuck to choose a race contestant

Observe the race and cheer for your chosen participant.

  • Watch the race to see if your contestant will win

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This quests offers no rewards

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  • Speak to Bando Brandybuck to choose a race contestant
  • Watch the race to see if your contestant will win
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