Whitshaws: Yst-arning

In the wake of Núrzum's rampage, the folk of Wildermore seek the aid of skilled defenders.

'In the wake of Núrzum's rampage, my folk need the aid of skilled defenders to prevent such a tragedy from occurring again. I have devised trials to prove the worthiness of those who would come to our aid.

'As you have no doubt learned, my people pride themselves on their horsemanship and mounted combat skills. If you truly wish to aid us further, prove your skills by racing your war-steed through a course of storm-plagued pools in the Whitshaws. I call it the Yst-arning, the Storm-race.

'Your skills will be judged worthy -- or unworthy -- by the amount of time that it takes you to finish the course. Speak with me when you are ready to leave for the Whitshaws.'

Gyric is waiting for your decision in Forlaw.

You should speak with Gyric when you are ready to travel to the Whitshaws and talk to Rilbert to begin your trial.


Ride through the first blue gate.

  • Ride through the first blue gate
  • Ride through the first blue gate.

Ride through the second blue gate.

  • Ride through the second blue gate
  • Ride through the second blue gate.

Ride through the third blue gate.

  • Ride through the third blue gate
  • Ride through the third blue gate.

Ride through the fourth blue gate.

  • Ride through the fourth blue gate
  • Ride through the fourth blue gate.

Ride through the fifth blue gate.

  • Ride through the fifth blue gate
  • Ride through the fifth blue gate.

Ride through the sixth blue gate.

  • Ride through the sixth blue gate
  • Ride through the sixth blue gate.

Ride through the seventh blue gate.

  • Ride through the seventh blue gate
  • Ride through the seventh blue gate.

Ride through the eighth blue gate.

  • Ride through the eighth blue gate
  • Ride through the eighth blue gate.

Ride through the ninth blue gate.

  • Ride through the ninth blue gate
  • Ride through the ninth blue gate.

Ride through the first red gate.

  • Ride through the first red gate
  • Ride through the first red gate.

Ride through the second red gate.

  • Ride through the second red gate
  • Ride through the second red gate.

Ride through the third red gate.

  • Ride through the third red gate
  • Ride through the third red gate.

Ride through the fourth red gate.

  • Ride through the fourth red gate
  • Ride through the fourth red gate.

Ride through the fifth red gate.

  • Ride through the fifth red gate
  • Ride through the fifth red gate.

Ride through the sixth red gate.

  • Ride through the sixth red gate
  • Ride through the sixth red gate.

Ride through the seventh red gate.

  • Ride through the seventh red gate
  • Ride through the seventh red gate.

Ride through the eighth red gate.

  • Ride through the eighth red gate
  • Ride through the eighth red gate.

Ride through the ninth red gate.

  • Ride through the ninth red gate
  • Ride through the ninth red gate.

Ride through the tenth red gate.

  • Ride through the tenth red gate
  • Ride through the tenth red gate.

Ride through the eleventh red gate.

  • Ride through the eleventh red gate
  • Ride through the eleventh red gate.

Ride through the twelfth red gate.

  • Ride through the twelfth red gate
  • Ride through the twelfth red gate.

Rilbert is at the south end of the ice pools in the Whitshaws. Gyric is in Forlaw.

You should speak with Rilbert or Gyric regarding your performance in the race.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449335
Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449363


0 gold coin 36 silver coin 35 copper coin
17300 xp icon
Legendary XP:
28800 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
14500 mount xp icon

Additional info


  • Talk to Rilbert
  • Ride through the first blue gate
  • Ride through the first blue gate.
  • Ride through the second blue gate
  • Ride through the second blue gate.
  • Ride through the third blue gate
  • Ride through the third blue gate.
  • Ride through the fourth blue gate
  • Ride through the fourth blue gate.
  • Ride through the fifth blue gate
  • Ride through the fifth blue gate.
  • Ride through the sixth blue gate
  • Ride through the sixth blue gate.
  • Ride through the seventh blue gate
  • Ride through the seventh blue gate.
  • Ride through the eighth blue gate
  • Ride through the eighth blue gate.
  • Ride through the ninth blue gate
  • Ride through the ninth blue gate.
  • Ride through the first red gate
  • Ride through the first red gate.
  • Ride through the second red gate
  • Ride through the second red gate.
  • Ride through the third red gate
  • Ride through the third red gate.
  • Ride through the fourth red gate
  • Ride through the fourth red gate.
  • Ride through the fifth red gate
  • Ride through the fifth red gate.
  • Ride through the sixth red gate
  • Ride through the sixth red gate.
  • Ride through the seventh red gate
  • Ride through the seventh red gate.
  • Ride through the eighth red gate
  • Ride through the eighth red gate.
  • Ride through the ninth red gate
  • Ride through the ninth red gate.
  • Ride through the tenth red gate
  • Ride through the tenth red gate.
  • Ride through the eleventh red gate
  • Ride through the eleventh red gate.
  • Ride through the twelfth red gate
  • Ride through the twelfth red gate.
  • Talk to Gyric
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